
ただいま表示中: イギリス南アフリカ郵政公社 - 郵便切手 (1892 - 1917) - 29 切手.

[Coat of Arms - End of Scroll goes behind Rear Legs of Supporting Animals, Lion Lightly Shaded, タイプ E] [Coat of Arms - End of Scroll goes behind Rear Legs of Supporting Animals, Lion Lightly Shaded, タイプ E1] [Coat of Arms - End of Scroll goes behind Rear Legs of Supporting Animals, Lion Lightly Shaded, タイプ E2] [Coat of Arms - End of Scroll goes behind Rear Legs of Supporting Animals, Lion Lightly Shaded, タイプ E3] [Coat of Arms - End of Scroll goes behind Rear Legs of Supporting Animals, Lion Lightly Shaded, タイプ E4] [Coat of Arms - End of Scroll goes behind Rear Legs of Supporting Animals, Lion Lightly Shaded, タイプ E5] [Coat of Arms - End of Scroll goes behind Rear Legs of Supporting Animals, Lion Lightly Shaded, タイプ E6] [Coat of Arms - End of Scroll goes behind Rear Legs of Supporting Animals, Lion Lightly Shaded, タイプ E7] [Coat of Arms - End of Scroll goes behind Rear Legs of Supporting Animals, Lion Lightly Shaded, タイプ E8]
No. ナンバー タイプ D 美品(ミントコンディション) 未使用 中古 郵便書簡/初日カバー
25 E 1P - 16.20 6.48 - USD  Info
26 E1 2P - 21.60 2.70 - USD  Info
27 E2 3P - 3.24 1.62 - USD  Info
28 E3 4P - 32.40 16.20 - USD  Info
29 E4 6P - 107 16.20 - USD  Info
30 E5 8P - 6.48 1.08 - USD  Info
31 E6 1Sh - 21.60 4.32 - USD  Info
32 E7 3Sh - 86.39 43.20 - USD  Info
33 E8 4Sh - 64.79 4.32 - USD  Info
25‑33 - 360 96.12 - USD 
[Coat of Arms - End of Scroll goes behind Rear Legs of Supporting Animals, Lion Heavily Shaded, タイプ E9] [Coat of Arms - End of Scroll goes behind Rear Legs of Supporting Animals, Lion Heavily Shaded, タイプ E10] [Coat of Arms - End of Scroll goes behind Rear Legs of Supporting Animals, Lion Heavily Shaded, タイプ E11] [Coat of Arms - End of Scroll goes behind Rear Legs of Supporting Animals, Lion Heavily Shaded, タイプ E12] [Coat of Arms - End of Scroll goes behind Rear Legs of Supporting Animals, Lion Heavily Shaded, タイプ E13] [Coat of Arms - End of Scroll goes behind Rear Legs of Supporting Animals, Lion Heavily Shaded, タイプ E14] [Coat of Arms - End of Scroll goes behind Rear Legs of Supporting Animals, Lion Heavily Shaded, タイプ E15] [Coat of Arms - End of Scroll goes behind Rear Legs of Supporting Animals, Lion Heavily Shaded, タイプ E16] [Coat of Arms - End of Scroll goes behind Rear Legs of Supporting Animals, Lion Heavily Shaded, タイプ E17] [Coat of Arms - End of Scroll goes behind Rear Legs of Supporting Animals, Lion Heavily Shaded, タイプ E18]
No. ナンバー タイプ D 美品(ミントコンディション) 未使用 中古 郵便書簡/初日カバー
34 E9 ½P - 3.24 4.32 - USD  Info
35 E10 1P - 4.32 4.32 - USD  Info
36 E11 2P - 10.80 6.48 - USD  Info
37 E12 4P - 10.80 0.81 - USD  Info
37a* E13 4P - 107 16.20 - USD  Info
38 E14 6P - 10.80 0.81 - USD  Info
39 E15 2Sh - 32.40 12.96 - USD  Info
40 E16 2´6Sh´P - 86.39 64.79 - USD  Info
41 E17 5Sh - 54.00 16.20 - USD  Info
42 E18 10Sh - 134 86.39 - USD  Info
34‑42 - 347 197 - USD 
1896 Surcharge

4月 WM: なし ミシン目: 14

[Surcharge, タイプ F] [Surcharge, タイプ F1] [Surcharge, タイプ H]
No. ナンバー タイプ D 美品(ミントコンディション) 未使用 中古 郵便書簡/初日カバー
43 F 1/3P - 647 647 - USD  Info
44 F1 1/4P/Sh - 431 431 - USD  Info
45 H 3/5P/Sh - 269 323 - USD  Info
43‑45 - 1349 1403 - USD 
[Cape of Good Hope Postage Stamps Overprinted "BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA COMPANY.", タイプ I] [Cape of Good Hope Postage Stamps Overprinted "BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA COMPANY.", タイプ I1] [Cape of Good Hope Postage Stamps Overprinted "BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA COMPANY.", タイプ I2] [Cape of Good Hope Postage Stamps Overprinted "BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA COMPANY.", タイプ I3] [Cape of Good Hope Postage Stamps Overprinted "BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA COMPANY.", タイプ I4] [Cape of Good Hope Postage Stamps Overprinted "BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA COMPANY.", タイプ I5] [Cape of Good Hope Postage Stamps Overprinted "BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA COMPANY.", タイプ I6]
No. ナンバー タイプ D 美品(ミントコンディション) 未使用 中古 郵便書簡/初日カバー
46 I ½P - 12.96 21.60 - USD  Info
47 I1 1P - 12.96 21.60 - USD  Info
48 I2 2P - 16.20 12.96 - USD  Info
49 I3 3P - 64.79 54.00 - USD  Info
50 I4 4P - 215 16.20 - USD  Info
51 I5 6P - 64.79 86.39 - USD  Info
52 I6 1Sh - 188 215 - USD  Info
46‑52 - 576 428 - USD 






